Confirming what many had suspected for years, the Mutsinzi Report, released this week, outlines in detail how extremist Hutu factions in Rwanda used surface to air missiles to take down the Rwandan president's (who was a more moderate Hutu) airplane in 1994. At the time, the death was blamed on the Tutsi rebels and was used as a justification for the ensuing genocide.
The president, at the time, was returning from Peace talks in Tanzania...peace talks that apparently weren't welcomed by the more extremist of Hutu factions. Check out this 5 minute video, recreating the event:
In Uganda related news, check out this article from the Independent. Ugandans are calling for both LRA and UPDF offenders should be tried for war crimes. Also interesting to note that the UNDP survey states that Ugandans think that religious institutions are the best groups to facilitate reconciliation. This largely supports the role that the Catholic Church played throughout the Peace Process in Juba with Archbishop John Baptiste Odama and social service organizations like Caritas.
Full article is here: